Volunteer Opportunities
Our church has been blessed with many wonderful volunteers who greet us with a smile each Sunday, provide us with coffee and treats, run the sound system during the service, watch our little ones in the Nursery, and work at our Food Pantry & Community Clothes Closet the first Saturday of each month. Thank you to all these people!
Regular Volunteer Opportunities include:
- Sunday Greeters – greeting folks and handing out bulletins on Sunday mornings
- Coffee Cart – making coffee and providing a small snack for Sunday mornings
- Sound System – running our sound and video for the worship service Sunday mornings
- Nursery – watching our littlest ones, from newborn to age 5, during worship Sunday mornings
- Food Pantry – sorting food donations and helping set-up on the Friday before food distributions, serving our clients on Saturdays mornings and cleaning up afterwards
- Helping Hands – helping our members with small needs, such as a ride, a meal, light yard work, etc.
One-off Volunteer Opportunities also come up throughout the year. Look out for these opportunities in the Sunday worship bulletin and Weekly News email.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the church office at 814-474-3914 and speak with the Administrative Assistant.
Thanks for giving your time and talent and helping out!