
Sunday School

We offer Sunday School classes on Sundays from 9:00am to 10:00am for all ages. Our children start the morning together with some singing. At 9:15am, they split into two classes for their Bible lesson and activities. Our Kindergarten and 1st Graders often enact the Bible story. Our 2nd through 5th Grade Class reads the lesson from their Bibles as they engage the story. Both classes have lots of fun while they learn about God!

Sunday School runs from September through May each year.


Our church nursery is open during our 10:30am worship service and is available to infants and children up to age 5. The nursery is always staffed by two caring people, who have all their clearances on file. 

Worship Clipboards & Junior Church

During worship, we help our children engage at developmentally appropriate levels. Each Sunday, worship clipboards are available with coloring and activity pages related to worship. Each service includes a Children’s Time, which presents the lesson or Bible story for the day in an engaging and age-appropriate way.

On the first Sunday of the month, children stay in worship for the whole service so they can participate in Communion. On the remaining Sundays, children from Kindergarten to 4th grade are dismissed for Junior Church after the Children’s Time. During Junior Church, children participate in lessons, activities, and service projects as they continue to learn about God.

Junior Church runs from September through May each year.

Christmas Pageant

Each December, our children present a Christmas pageant during worship.

Bible Presentation

Each year in May we present our 2nd graders with their own Bibles.

Vacation Bible School

VBS is offered each summer for one week. Children learn more about God through Bible stories, songs, skits, arts and crafts, science experiments, and recreation time.